it's never too late

Keep exploring

Most people stop running, skiing or even exploring when they get old. Others think you become old the moment you stop. If you keep going, age is nothing but a number.

there is always more to discover
Laila, Thomas and Morten are three seniors who won’t let age limit their passion for the outdoors.
They keep going, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep making the most out of life.
Because it’s never too late. Because there’s always more to discover.


MORTEN Kristiansen

72-year-old Morten Kristiansen exercises 15 hours a week and competes in ski races such as Vasaloppet and Marcialonga. His goal? To win Birkebeinerrennet in his age group when he turns 75.

Morten’s 3 training tips

1. Invest in the right equipment for the activity.
Spend money where you spend most of your time. It will be much more fun, and the equipment will help create great memories.

2. Avoid injuries. Instead of running on asphalt, wear a heavy backpack and hike/run in the forest.

3. Create memories out of your training. Ski with friends and stop for lunch in the sun. Take a dip in the sea after running. If you are in better shape than your friends, carry a heavy backpack or ask them to join you on an electric bike.

"Hiking is freedom
– a vacation from everything going on in life"

Laila Kjellström

82-year-old Laila Kjellström hikes every other day to find strength in her partner's struggle with dementia. On her 81st birthday, she climbed Ben Vrackie to raise money for dementia research. Last year, she ascended Suilven in memory of her father and founder of SILVA, Björn Kjellström, who had Parkinson's disease. Her most common phrase? "Why not?"

Laila’s 3 hiking tips for beginners

1. Wear comfortable shoes/hiking
boots and a waterproof jacket.

2. Start where you are. You don’t have to wear fancy clothes or hike a certain distance. Just walk to a park nearby, sit and listen to the birds for a while.

3. Join a hiking club. You will meet interesting people and go to new places, and that will give you ideas for new hikes.

"Never quit things that are good for you"

Thomas Åberg

77-year-old Thomas Åberg started with orienteering as a 40-year-old to engage in his son's new hobby. It was love at first sight, and nowadays, he shares his passion for the sport with his eight grandchildren. He still competes as a veteran and loves watching Tove Alexandersson's races to learn new skills.

Thomas’ 3 training tips

1. Join an orienteering club and attend the organized training sessions.

2. Intervals pay off. You can use a watch, but I prefer to count light poles.

3. Watch YouTube. You can learn a lot from analyzing Tove’s decisions and mistakes during 10MILA. Also, orienteering clubs such as Frölunda OL publish great instruction videos.

What should people do more often?


 Make plans that you can look forward to. Spend money on things that create memories, like concerts. And invite people over more often. It doesn't have to be complicated; I invite my friends to watch football games. Just put away your phones and talk face to face. Life is about spending time with others and having fun. Enjoy it while it lasts because one day, it's over.


Stop watching TV or staring at your phone for hours. Especially when you are around children: make contact with them, not your phone. We live in a beautiful country with the ocean, the forest, the fells and the lakes. Go outside and enjoy all of that.


Meditate, read and listen to beautiful classical music. Buy fewer things and spend more time outdoors. And be generous to other people, not by giving them money but by listening. Truly listen. Don't believe you fully understand what the other person is going through, be careful with giving advice. Just listen.

there is always more
to discover