365 days define our year
525600 minutes of potential adventure
We want to help people enjoy the outdoors even more. Some people, like our friend and ambassador Philipp Ausserhofer, are more motivated than others. He is not only a professional ultra-runner, but a true outdoor enthusiast and mountain lover. In this series of movies, he wants to share his passion for different activities, his joy for the outdoors, and inspire us to do 365 days of adventure. What is stopping you? Let the new year be your year of 365 small or big adventures.

Philipp Ausserhofer
“The tough competitions in the fight against the clock and rivals, the lonely hours in the darkness of my home mountains, the rewarding sunrise when the body trembles from cold and exertion – these are the moments that not only defines my life, but also let me feel alive. SILVA shapes these moments, SILVA makes them possible. Regardless of whether I follow the compass, spy on the next line with binoculars, or follow the light of my head torch over the trails – SILVA is by my side. 365 days a year.

philipp Ausserhofer
What does your mountain life mean to you?
Mountains mean for me pure freedom, the possibility to follow my own path, to explore and discover. Mountains are my playground, the place where I feel the most alive.
Why did you choose Silva?
Because you can rely on Silva: Silva has accompanied me on the most challenging adventures for years, illuminates the trails for me during the night and helps me to carry my burdens.
What is your inspiration to all your races and adventures and your strive to be better?
It is this insatiable desire for adventure, this desire for freedom and the search for my limits - beyond that, the question of how far these can be pushed and where the limits really are. It is this pure joy of running, of moving fast in a technical demanding playground and to discover more.

What are you most proud of in your trail running career so far?
In terms of competition, it is certainly the win at the Mozart100 this year (2021) when I started the Ultra Trail World Tour for the first time. It was an amazing experience and a real goosebumps moment to cross the finish line in the heart of Salzburg as first. In addition, I am proud of all that I have already seen, the everyday moments in the mountains that are withheld from many others and that I have never lost the joy of the mountain despite all the competitions and obligations.
What goals do you have for 2022?
Next year I would like to develop myself further as an ultra-runner, learn from the best and gain further experience at international competitions. I want to get a little closer to my big dream. The motivation is big.